Our youth camp goals were to empower students to achieve their full potential at school, home and in the community. Students gained knowledge everyday (from day 1 until the last day). Through life skills session, community outreach presentations, trips, physical fitness and sports skills, students were encouraged to be the best they can be by having self-discipline and self-confidence. They also learned that it takes all players to make a successful team. Resolve differences in a positive manner rather than with hostile and aggressive behavior. Respect authority, obey parents and teachers. At the conclusion of camp students pledged to do better in all areas which included school behavior, school attendance, home and community behaviors.
9097 - Richmond Co. Policeman shows off basketball skills one on one with students.
This camp is designed to provide rich and rewarding learning experiences to today's select Richmond County youth.
Activities will primarily focus on life skills but will also provide support in the areas of academic and social skills. Various sports activities will be used to highlight discipline and other pertinent skills.
Our mission is to provide youth development through sports and to provide guidance through life skill sessions in an effort to improve school performance and classroom discipline as well as promoting positive behavior.